
KGM's new Broker Portal went live 18/12/21, if you have not logged in after that date and are doing so now for the first time, please use your existing username and password to log in. If you are sharing one account across multiple agency numbers, then please register one account for each agency number. If your login doesn't work, please reset your password, or contact support for help.

Please attempt to complete all boxes. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

This will help to ensure that we understand your business and how best we can support you.

Username * Click for help
(Max 20 characters)
Password * Click for help
(Max 20 characters)
Confirm password * Click for help
First name *
Surname *
Position *
Company name *
Company address *
Post code *
Email address *
Telephone number *
Fax number
Website *
KGM agency number *
How did you hear of the KGM web site? *

Please select a username which must be between 8 and 20 characters long. It can contain both alpha and numeric characters. Please note: usernames are case sensitive.

Please note, some usernames will be disallowed for security purposes. You may need to vary your choice to find one that is allowed.

Please select a password which must be between 12 and 20 characters long. It can contain a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters.

Strong passwords are required for security. Your password is checked to see if it's guessable, a known compromised password, a variation of your username, or primarily a dictionary word.

You are recommended to choose an unusual sequence of characters, or combine three or four short words that don't commonly go together to make a password. For example: 1tinyLittle$Mouse!. Bad examples are OneTwoThree! or 5GoldRings as they're common combinations.

Please consider using online password generation tools, such as the one provided by Avast, or password managers, such as LastPass, to help generate and/ or manage strong passwords.